Canada's Best Jobs 2018 - Top 25 Best Jobs - Canadian BusinessWhen new immigrants arrive in Canada, the first thing they will do is look for a good job. For a newcomer, a job is sufficient if he pays the bills and living costs, but a job is good if he uses the person’s work skills and experiences. Unfortunately, it is quite easy for many new immigrants to find a job, but finding and finding a good job is much more difficult.

Having your experience and qualifications recognized, knowing where to apply, knowing how to write your resume in a way suitable for Canadian employers are just some of the common obstacles new immigrants face when trying to find a good job. Many resources can help new immigrants overcome these obstacles and find jobs, and these are three of the best.

Use settlement agencies

Settlement agencies are government-funded, non-profit organizations designed to help new immigrants settle in Canada. As part of their position, these agencies work with new immigrants on language skills, gaining recognition of skills, experience and qualifications earned in other countries and generally preparing new immigrants to work in Canada. Some agencies even work directly with large companies to hire new immigrants directly from these companies.

There are many branches across Canada, but if you are looking for a job in Toronto, the main destination city for most immigrants, some of the largest of these agencies include Skills For Change, COSTI Immigration Services and the Newcomer Center or Peel. All of these agencies have been helping thousands of new immigrants make Canada their new homes every year for over 30 years.

Apply via Diversity Job Boards

Applying online through a diversity job board is a sometimes overlooked way for new immigrants to get in direct contact with the right people at employers they want to hire. Many Canadian companies are increasingly looking for new immigrants as a source of talent to fill the growing shortage of skilled and experienced workers across the country.

When newcomers apply through diversity job boards they are identified as diverse new immigrants, talent sources and this means that at least the employers will be willing to work with candidates through the process of recognizing foreign skills and credentials. In some cases, these employers go even further, for example by helping new immigrants find a home or by providing mentors to help you live in Canada.

The bottom line is that applying through generic job boards won’t hurt your job search, but it probably won’t help new immigrants. So-called niche job boards, and in particular diversity job boards targeting newcomers, will bring you to employers who are very interested in hiring you.

Use social media

Using social media services like Twitter or LinkedIn is becoming an increasingly popular way for recruiters and hiring managers to get in touch and hire candidates for new opportunities, so it’s a good idea to find anyone looking for a job. But for new immigrants, being present and connected through social media is a great way to show businesses that you fit the culture and environment of working in Canada.

If you don’t know how to get started on social media, sign up for a Twitter account and follow accounts of employers you’d like to work for. See what they have to say about the roles they hire and the opportunities they have. Read more about what is important to these companies and communicate with them if you have any questions. This is all the information that can help you get interviews and be better prepared for them.

Further sources

Here are a few more resources to help you find a great job.
Find job openings on TalentOyster []
Skills for Change Settlement Agency
Use social media like Twitter